Am i preg...?

Emotionally unstable. Probably because of the work loads. Students pula dah start register, meaning that by next week mesti dah kena start lecture. Kalau tak, syllabus tak sempat catch up lak. Sudahlah tu by end of next February I am suppose to further my study. Alhamdulillah, already received the offer letter from the university. Kursus BTN pun baru jer lepas pergi. My dean pun dah agree to let me further the study. All the documentations are ready and already submitted to the Unit Cuti Belajar. Now, tengah tunggu meeting di peringkat Universiti and KPT untuk scholarship. Hopefully, everything when well even though there are certain people yang cakap impossible boleh settle dalam waktu yang singkat. I know. Kalau nak buat visa pun it takes time. But, I just leave it to Allah. He knows what is the best for me. So, I just pray....

Disebabkan stress, hormon pun unstable juga. My period has been delayed for 10 days. I tak fikir pun I pregnant because 'we plan' at the moment. Reasons of planning? That part i'll story for another time. Tapi, i tak dala makan pil perancang ke apa. Just planning the date since my period memang normally on time. Tapi, this time terlebih-lebih lewatnya. I did the UCT and as expected the result is negative. But, somehow deep inside my heart i'm hoping that i'm pregnant! Heh! If i really am pregnant, i wonder what mama gonna say... Will she be happy as the other parents always be or the other way around ??? I'm pretty sure she'll be happy but with extra extra worries....... Yelah if betul2 pregnant, nanti first delivery kat negara orang without parents and families kan to look around...I'm sure every single mom will get worries too..

Owh Allah...what should i do? Help me!
7 Responses
  1. Elya Roza Says:

    oowh..ingatkan zainur preg tdd...klo ditakdirkan pregnant...alhamdulillah dear...rezeki tuu :)
    Allah knows the best ri

  2. Zainur Says:

    Tue la elya...wpon result negative still hoping yg pregnant...huhuhu...selagi tak period blh berharap lagi agak impossible juga sebab seingatnya we all dah plan waktu dan masa bersama..but who knows kan...

  3. ♥S@R@♥ Says:

    sara pun period dah lewat b4 khwin pun period xtentu..hehe

    tp sara xsabar nak pregnant..hehe

    pe2 pun Allah lebih tahu apa yg terbaik utk kita kan?

  4. ~ mizzAmy ~ Says:

    amy doakan yg terbaik untuk tinta. pregnant or not, both ada kebaikannya kan? apa2 pun, jgn stress2 ok?

  5. farahfatihah Says:

    betul2..walaupun belum nak lagi tp bila wat test tu -ve mesti dalm ati kata alaa...=)
    apa2 pun kalau ada rezeki pasti xtolak kan?

  6. Zainur Says:

    sara: Memang tak sabar nak baby tp nasihat ibu pun tak blh diketepikan juga. kalo ada rezeki sy terima dengan lapang dada dan suka hati...huhu...

    Amy: thanx :) cuba utk tidak terlalu stress...

    farah: yep, memang at first bila -ve tu disappointed sket...huhu...apa pun still hoping sebab masih belum period lagi...huhuh

  7. CaDLyNN Says:

    kalau betul2 preggy congrats ek~


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